
Economic Development

Jana knows first hand how important it is to support our local small businesses so that they can create more local jobs to reinvest in our district and state. As our state senator, she would advocate for policies that help LD 24 and Nebraska businesses succeed. 

Defending Our Second Amendment Rights 

I will always defend our Right to Bear Arms. I am proud to support the constitutional right of Nebraskans to defend themselves, and their families. You can count on me to protect your constitutional rights as your Senator in Lincoln.

Stopping Radical Policies like Critical Race Theory

Radical policies like Critical Race Theory being pushed from the left have no place in Nebraska’s classrooms. As our Senator, I’ll ensure they are stopped.

Advocating for Our Unborn

I am 100% pro-life and will advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves. District 24 and Nebraska are both proudly pro-life should have leaders who aren’t afraid to stand up for the unborn.


Growing up on a farm, Jana learned how important farmers and ag producers are to our communities and state. Nebraska agriculture is crucial to our economy and nation’s economy. Jana will make sure our farmers and ag producers have a strong voice in the legislature.


The future of Nebraska depends upon our local schools in Seward, York, Polk, and Butler Counties. That’s why Jana has worked hard as a Seward School Board member to keep our schools strong and ensure a bright future for our students. As our senator, she will keep advocating for strong schools. 

Lower Taxes

An unnecessarily high property tax burden remains the top issue for many families in our district and state. In the Legislature, Jana would work to modernize our tax structure, while standing strong against any new tax increases.

Jana Hughes for Legislature in a meeting